Professor Kitzel
The Wonderful Stories of Professor Kitzel was an educational animated series that ran in the early 1970s produced by Shamus Culhane[1] for Krantz Films. The program combined film clips, animation, and commentary to teach the viewers about historic and cultural events. It was hosted by Professor Kitzel (voiced by Paul Soles), an eccentric scientist, with occasional appearances by his grandfather or his parrot.
The format of each short (5 minute) episode was generally an opening discussion by the professor introducing the subject. He would then take the viewer to his time machine, pull a lever and the first series of drawings and commentary related to the subject would begin. Halfway through the story, the professor would interrupt the commentary to make some humorous remark, before returning to the narrative with an invitation to "Let's see what happened next." Each episode concluded with some humorous closing sequence.
The series was offered in barter syndication by Bristol-Myers for their Pal Vitamins line from 1972 to 1976; after 1976, it was syndicated for cash by Worldvision Enterprises. [1]
- Martin Frobisher
- The Crusades
- The Spartans
- Charlemagne and the Elephant
- Leonardo da Vinci
- Samuel F.B. Morse
- Profile of Japan
- Mayan Archaeology
- Charles Darwin (2)
- The Sahara Desert
- Charles Dickens
- Thomas Edison
- Buffalo Bill Cody
- Joan of Arc
- India (1)
- Pilgrims
- Montezuma and Cortez
- Perry at the Pole
- Hillary and Mount Everest
- The Mississippi Steamboat
- Reptiles
- The Rosetta Stone
- The South Pole
- August Picard
- Abba of Benin
- India (2)
- The Oracle of Delphi
- Northwest Indians
- Daniel Boone
- Jacques Cartier
- The Great London Fire
- The Masai Warriors
- Marco Polo
- The Wright Brothers
- New Amsterdam
- Athens and Sparta
- Beavers
- Romulus and Remus
- The Buffalo Herds
- Captain Bligh
- Peter the Great
- Fur Trading
- George Washington
- Robert Perry
- Egypt
- The Vikings
- The Phoenicians
- Frederick Douglass
- Al Rashid
- Pioneers in Early America
- The Early Boat Builders
- Anton Von Leewenhoek
- The African Gold Coast
- Gorillas
- The Picard Brothers
- The Whaling Ships
- Montgolfier
- The Treasure Ships
- The Eskimos
- Prehistoric Man
- Mount Olympus
- Vasco de Gama
- James Watt
- The Middle Ages
- California Gold Rush
- Captain Froebischer
- Christopher Columbus
- Louis Bleriot
- Peter the Hermit
- Pueblo Indians
- Kier and Drake
- Abraham Lincoln
- Guglielmo Marconi
- Ben Franklin
- Emperor Nero of Rome
- The Covered Wagons
- Easter Island
- The Cave Paintings of Alta Meara
- Louis Pasteur
- The Search for Ancient Troy
- Jacques Cousteau
- The Statue of Liberty
- John Cabot
- John Smith and Pocahontas
- The Middle Ages
- Thor Heyerdahl
- The Declaration of Independence
- Gutenberg
- The History of Rockets
- Galileo
- Early Man
- Ponce de Leon
- The Erie Canal
- Charles Darwin (1)
- The Duryea Brothers
- Samuel De Champlain
- The Customs of China
- Michelangelo
- Thomas Paine
- Charles Lindbergh
- Early Crete
- The Australian Aborigines
- Eskimo Life
- Pompeii and Mount Vesuvius
- Lewis Carroll
- The Mystery of Stonehenge
- ^ a b Children's Television: The First Thirty-Five Years, 1946-1981, Part 1: Animated Cartoon Series by George W. Woolery, p.312-313; The Scarecrow Press, 1983
External links